THIS WEEK'S BLOG-Squash the Fire in Your Belly

Buy $50 & Get Free Book: Change Your Story—Design, Write & Publish Your Life Plan in 10 Steps by Deborah S. Nelson
Buy $50 & Get Free Book: Change Your Story—Design, Write & Publish Your Life Plan in 10 Steps by Deborah S. Nelson
Buy $50 & Get Free Book: Change Your Story—Design, Write & Publish Your Life Plan in 10 Steps by Deborah S. Nelson
Buy $50 & Get Free Book: Change Your Story—Design, Write & Publish Your Life Plan in 10 Steps by Deborah S. Nelson

Buy $50 & Get Free Book: Change Your Story—Design, Write & Publish Your Life Plan in 10 Steps by Deborah S. Nelson

Regular price $23.95 Sale

*To receive gift, click "add to cart," and once you reach $50 purchase; the book will show as free at checkout.

Ever asked yourself, How Can I Change the Story of My Life?

What is Success, really?Is it money? Or freedom? Maybe it is simply achieving a loving relationship?Whatever that is for you, this system will help you put together a Written Life Plan using the Power of the Pen combine with the Law of Attraction. The text and the workbook together teaches how to self-publish a simple 20-40 page storybook that is an outline and a printed strategy of your new life story.

Top contemporary personal transformation teachers often site a study done at Stanford University. This study concluded that people who write their dreams and goals are among the top 3% of people who are defined as super successful human beings.

A Gift for You from Julia Loggins & Deborah S. Nelson

When Julia asked Deborah to play Santa this year, Deborah agreed. Purchase $50 form Julia's Cleansing for Energy Shop and get the downloadable version of Change Your Story as a gift! The Change Your Story series combines the Law of Attraction with the Power of the Pen which equal success.

The Change Your Story series introduces a 10-step personal transformation skill-set not taught in schools, colleges, or universities—but very likely could attract more success than what a college degree, trade, skill, training, or certification often promises. Follow the steps to self-publish a simple vision book--much better than a vision board! Change Your Story and its companion workbook teaches how to make your dreams come true!