THIS WEEK'S BLOG-Squash the Fire in Your Belly

The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price
The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price

The Gut Papers—Get All 6 for Half-Price

Regular price $54.00 $27.00 Sale

The Gut Papers Value

What are the Gut Papers?

THE GUT PAPERS encompass three points of powerful basics to improve common issues affecting gut health. These whitepapers include: How to Orchestrate a Home Coffee Enema, Food Combining ChartHow to Eliminate Your Hemorrhoids, Blood Typo O Gut-Health Guide, Blood Typo A Gut-Health Guide, and Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes. These quick but powerful digital downloads by Julia Loggins will help you learn immediate fixes for repetitive symptoms associated with gut dysfunction.

Food Combining Chart

How do you feel after eating Thanksgiving dinner? Many people spend the rest of the day on the couch. Much of this fatigue has to do with the many types of foods consumed on holidays, in one huge meal. Yet, most cuisines are based on using proteins, carbs, and fats in one dish. This is why so many people struggle with obesity, blood sugar, and inflammatory disease. Their digestion is just not functioning optimally. Food combining is one answer for healing digestive distress. This powerful concept was popularized by the 1990’s best-seller Fit For Life, which documented this sensible understanding of digestive health.

How to Orchestrate a Home Coffee Enema

Cleansing for Energy is proud to present a step-by-step guide that takes the guesswork from this ancient healing practice. The pounds of impacted waste inside the colon can cause migraines, fatigue, and liver toxicity. The symptoms of diverticulitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and autoimmune disease are likely to greatly improve with a clean gut. Coffee enemas are one of the most affordable and potent healing modalities one can perform at home. Feel lighter, brighter, and clearer, starting now.

How to Eliminate Your Hemorrhoids

Have you experienced the pain of hemorrhoids? Research indicates that most people understand the pain in the ass of hemorrhoids. Yet, hardly anyone ever mentions it. As a gut health expert of 40 years, Julia Loggins has encountered countless hemorrhoids. The desire to help clients eliminate hemorrhoid pain motivated Julia to teach natural healing methods. This 3-page do-it-yourself (DIY) PDF reveals Julia's vast knowledge and techniques required to heal hemorrhoids naturally.

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