THIS WEEK'S BLOG-Squash the Fire in Your Belly

Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes
Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes

Julia's Famous Gut Healthy Recipes

Regular price $15.00 $9.00 Sale

Lasting Gut-Health Starts at the End of Your Fork

These top curated gut-healthy recipes by Julia will fuel your gut for a nutrition rich environment and improved microbiome. Saving your gut is key to saving your health—and it starts with the food on your fork!

Building and nurturing a healthy gut is more complex than taking pills. Creating a body with the optimal flora and fauna is key to a happy, healthy gut. Therefore, diet and nutrition contribute greatly to the environment of the gut.

Less Stress, Calm Gut

This beautifully constructed package includes 7 easy gut-healthy recipes. Stress, unusual food choices, and travel often produce indigestion and discomfort. These gut-healthy recipe options will help you glide through life without bloat, constipation, or inflammation.

Control Your Weight with a Healthy Gut

To gain weight any time of year can be depressing. These recipes allow you to feast while minimizing belly fat gains. To deflect the judgment of others, these recipes give the strength to say, “No thank you … that looks delicious, but I will have to pass.” Explain that you are gluten-and-sugar-free and your weight loss depends on different food choices. However, you are not obligated to explain. Sometimes the less said, the better.

Gut-Healthy Supplements

If you have purchased these gut-healthy recipes within a package, two products included will help ensure a happy gut—Enzyme Energy and the Happy Gut Cleanse. Take one Enzyme Energy capsule with each protein meal. The Happy Gut Cleanse is optimally used on an empty stomach. Start with two capsules at night and take two more in the morning if needed.

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