How to Orchestrate a Home Coffee Enema PDF
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A Clean Gut is Instrumental to Your Health & Happiness
Do you know that 90% of serotonin, the happiness hormone, is produced in the gut? Therefore, you can expect to experience joy, optimism, and mental clarity when you perform a coffee enema—which resets the gut.
Have you ever thought about trying a coffee enema, but didn’t know how to start? Would you like to safely and effectively give yourself a coffee enema in the privacy of your own home? Download this guide to learn how to heal your gut.
DIY Coffee Enema Guide Composed by Julia Loggins
Cleansing for Energy is proud to present a step-by-step guide that takes the guesswork from this ancient healing practice. The pounds of impacted waste inside the colon can cause migraines, fatigue, and liver toxicity. The symptoms of diverticulitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and autoimmune disease are likely to greatly improve with a clean gut.
Coffee enemas are one of the most affordable and potent healing modalities one can perform at home. Feel lighter, brighter, and clearer, starting now. I welcome your questions in the chat box.
Coffee Enema Testimonial
"Julia’s office visits totally recalibrated my system after lymphatic therapy. But I was at a total loss on how to continue that at home. I set my enema bag too high. I didn’t understand clear water flushes and I created an enema crime scene. Julia’s video helped make my at-home enemas easy. I am a pretty healthy gal but coffee enemas help me eliminate lymphatic drainage and daily toxins. This has been the safest, most impactful part of a healthy lifestyle for me. Julia's expertise, kindness, and passion for health continue to help me practice at home what I learned in her office."
—Allison Brown