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Julia Loggins Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic
Julia Loggins Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic
Julia Loggins Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic
Julia Loggins Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic

Julia Loggins Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic

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Colon Cleansing for Optimal Health

For the last 40 years, Julia Loggins has operated a colon hydrotherapy clinic in Santa Barbara, CA. Nationally recognized in her field, she studied natural health at the Hippocrates Health Institute with Drs. Ann Wigmore and Brian Clement. Certified in colon hydrotherapy, Ms. Loggins is a member of I-ACT. Also, certified as a Whole Person Fertility Specialist, she studied closely with the pioneer of mind/body reproductive health, Niravi Payne.

Healing begins with detoxification. The average American stores from 5-20 pounds of fecal matter in their colon. If this toxic waste isn’t eliminated, it can cause disease and affect us emotionally. Fourty-five million Americans experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)—and colon cancer kills more persons than prostate or breast cancer.

Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits

Dr. Richard Schulze says, “To achieve great health, you must deep-clean your colon.” The following illnesses and symptoms are directly affected and often helped by colonics:

  • Fatigue
  • Backaches
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Cloudy thinking
  • Slow metabolism
  • Chronic constipation
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Depression, tension, and anxiety
  • PMS, painful or irregular periods
  • Digestive problems, IBS, and diverticulitis

What Are Colonics Like?

Colonics are simple, painless procedures where small amounts of water are first gently inserted into the colon. Next, the therapist gently massages the client’s tummy. This allows the water to flow through the entire six feet of the colon, removing toxins and plaque that build up on colon walls. Following a colonic, you may expect to feel light and float with energy and mental clarity. It takes a series of colonics to completely clean the colon. Julia Loggins offers colon hydrotherapy at her clinic in Santa Barbara, California.

Julia's Experience & Testimony

“As a child, I suffered from life-threatening asthma, allergies, migraines, Epstein-Barr, and hypoglycemia. Diagnosed as infertile, I worked on my health; and now have a beautiful son and daughter. Although mentored by great teachers, my own history is my greatest asset as a health practitioner. If I can heal my body, so can you!” says Ms. Loggins, colon hydrotherapy expert in Santa Barbara, California.

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