THIS WEEK'S BLOG-Squash the Fire in Your Belly

Why Can't I Digest? The Enzyme Energy Fix

How do Enzymes Produce Digestive Energy?

Although some people take good digestion for granted, many today have discovered the necessity of digestive enzymes. Enzymes are key to vitality and healthy body energy. When enzymes are lacking, digestion suffers—and so do you. Poor digestion can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and leaky gut—and ultimately chronic fatigue and autoimmune disease.

How Can Enzyme Energy Stimulate Digestion?

To fully understand Enzyme Energy's effect on digestion is preceded by the realization that the body is an energy-producing entity. Do you crave a spring in your step and a spark of energy? If so, read on to learn more about how the body processes energy through the digestive system.

In order to run your body, the stomach transforms food into usable energy. At a macro level, enzymes minimize the energy required to transform food into bile. Think of how energy helps you breathe, walk, and talk. The raw material to produce energy enters your body in the form of food. Stomach enzymes are one of the first steps in the digestive process. They help prepare your food to become bile to be further processed by the intestines.

How Can Enzyme Energy Stimulate Healthy Digestion?

How do Enzymes Speed up Energy?

On a biological level, the body is as an energy producing system. In digestion, movement is key. Once the food enters the mouth and arrives in the stomach, enzymes in the form of HCL transform food into bile. This bile then moves through the intestines, which separate the usable energy from wastewhich is then excreted from the body.

When the proper chemistry in the stomach and bowel is present, energy production is efficient. However, when chemistry is not assimilating food and producing bile, then energy is slowed. This is where my supplement Enzyme Energy can help the stomach to speed through the assimilation process.

Digestive enzymes changed my life! Seriously, I don’t think I digested anything before I discovered them. My belly was always bloated, swollen, and in pain.

What Are Symptoms of Low Stomach Acid?

When I researched hydrochloric acid (HCL)—the stomach acid critical to metabolize protein—I learned that a large percentage of the population experiences low stomach acid.

What I did not know was that my stomach was chronically low acid. Low stomach acid is a root cause of numerous health issues including the following:

  • Acne
  • Ulcers
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Heartburn and GERD
  • Parasites and bacteria
  • Stomach aches and bloating
  • Candida and yeast overgrowth
  • Nutritional deficiencies like anemia
  • SIBO, IBS, colitis, and diverticulitis
  • Inability to either gain or lose weight

What Causes Low Stomach Acid?

HCL has a low pH level, which helps to keep the stomach acidic. An ideal body is slightly alkaline. However, the stomach is an exception. The acidity kills microbes and pathogenic bacteria that may be a threat. Have you ever gotten parasites or bacteria from eating sushi? If your stomach had enough acid—or you had been taking a digestive enzyme with HCL—the acid would destroy those bugs.

Low stomach acid is a common problem for the following reasons:

  • Aging
  • Antibiotics
  • Taking antacids
  • Processed foods
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Chronic and acute stress
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Extreme dieting and calorie restriction
  • Alcohol, sugar, and certain medication

What Are Signs of Low HCL?

If you experience bloating, gas, burping, heartburn, and acid reflux, your low stomach acid could be low. Counterintuitive as it may seem, acid reflux and heartburn are not due to high amounts of stomach acid. They are due to inflammation and low stomach acid in many cases. For instance, the ulcer and gastritis causing bacteria, H pylori, thrives in low acid environments. If untreated, H pylori may lead to stomach cancer.

You may ask, does adding a digestive enzyme with HCL cause ulcers or heartburn? No. The stomach lining is protected by a thick mucus layer. Sodium bicarbonate—which I suggest ulcer sufferers add to their diet between meals—is naturally found in the stomach lining. This helps to neutralize the effects of HCL.

That said, I discovered when I first began taking HCL, that I experienced heartburn. Why? Because the formulas available had an unnecessarily high amount of HCL, and I have a sensitive stomach. My clients reported similar experiences. Some of my clients tried other types of digestive enzymes, such as the ones made from papayas. However, papaya enzymes do not metabolize protein.

This feedback led me to develop Enzyme Energya well-tolerated, low-dose HCL formula. It is one of my most popular and best-selling products on my storefront. Enzyme Energy can de-bloat your belly, decrease food allergies, and protect from bacteria and candida.

Can HCL Help Allergies, Candida & Skin Health?

Studies suggest that when consuming HCL regularly, you are less likely to experience allergies, sensitivities, autoimmune responses, and leaky gut.

Fungus and yeast, called candida, develops when the pH in the stomach is too alkaline. Symptoms include rashes, vaginal infections, sugar and carbohydrate cravings, weight gain, and brain fog. I suggest Yeast Be Gone and Women's ProbioEnergy.

Skin issues like rosacea, acne, and eczema have also been linked to low stomach acid. Consuming B vitamins, such as B Energy, has been shown to improve skin conditions.

Research suggests a link between SIBO and rosacea. SIBO occurs due to low stomach aid. Low stomach acid allows bugs to thrive in an environment that would normally kill pathogens in the small intestine. This increases gut inflammation. My clients have shared that my new Bugs Be Gone formula has proven to be effective in eliminating SIBO when antibiotics failed.

HCL also facilitates absorption of minerals critical to body function—B12, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, and boron. B12 is only absorbed in a highly acidic stomach. This is why people taking antacids have low B12 levels and are frequently anemic. Anemia and protein deficiency are often undiagnosed.

Does Stress Destroy HCL?

Even my teenaged clients experience poor digestion and absorption due to low stomach acid and stress. This is why it is important to include Enzyme Energy in your meal plan. Digestive enzymes are the best “insurance policy” for smooth digestion and nutrient assimilation.

I hope to see you on my Saturday and Sunday TikTok live sessions at 5 pm PST. Our Happy Gut Tribe is a welcoming communityplease join us.

To your health,
Julia Loggins,
Author & Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California

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